A Car Rental Agreement

Any rental agreement is potentially a contract of lease between two parties. In such a case, there is a lessor and a lessee. As per common contract law, which is almost universal in nature:

A lessor is chiefly a person who owns an asset and rents it out against money to the lessee. A lessor is often known as a landlord, in real estate renting transactions.
A lessee, on the other hand, is a person who rents the asset for use, by paying the lessor or the owner (or the landlord) an agreed sum of money.

Potentially any material or an asset can be leased or rented out. Out of all the assets, car, automobiles such as trucks or earth moving machines, land or other similar real estate are rented or leased out. While leasing out assets a very important document is framed and signed by both the parties. Such a document is known as the 'rental agreement' or the 'lease agreement'.

Legal Premise

In case of a car rental contract, if he lessee does not pay the rent on time or if the lessor does not give the car for usage, the contract has been breached, or has not been performed or has been dishonored or has not been seen through. Here the other party can sue the non performing (the other) party.

This agreement is usually put forth on paper, or is written and signed, as it provides the parties, the legal systems and courts substantial evidence, that such a contract had indeed come into being. The following are some of the common and essential elements of such an agreement.

The first clause of the agreement refers to the parties of the contract. Here the lessee and the lessor are defined and identified. Such a clause usually carries the address or any other prominent identifying facts with respect to the contract.
The second clause carries the details of the car/automobile. The common details such as the vehicle identification number and details of the car are mentioned in this clause. Such a clause is commonly referred to as an objective clause, here the total time period of the rental is also mentioned.
The third important clause is known as the consideration clause. In this clause, some important aspects regarding the rent payment, and deposit is mentioned.
The last clause is known as the remedy clause, here some mutually accepted remedies for loss incurring incidences are mentioned and accepted by both the parties. For example what would happen if the vehicle got into an accident. The remedy of such problems is discussed in such clauses.
The last clause is known as the signatory clause where the seal and signature of either parties, witnesses and also the notary public are put forth.

Tips to Save Dollars from Car Rentals

Be it a family vacation or a business cum pleasure trip, a rented car can be the most indispensable feature of your travel, especially if you plan to move around the new destination. With peak summer time, there are numerous people trying to rent cars just as you are. As expected, it is time for rental car owners to cash in on this seasonal opportunity by charging exorbitant car rentals. You would naturally prefer to spend more on your food and hotel stay, rather than your rented car. So let us see how you can save cash on car rentals.

Tips to Save Dollars from Car Rentals

Choose a Cheaper Car
There are some car rental company websites that offer cars with prefixed rentals. These rentals are officially posted on the company's websites. All you need to do is check out such websites for the cheapest rented cars on offer. As a customer, you cannot be really fussy with the car's make if you want to reduce the expenses on car rentals. Generally, such inexpensive cars may not be the latest model or highly trendy. You might want to check websites of companies like Hotwire and Priceline for best and discounted rental car deals. On scrutiny, one may also see that rental charges for a car tend to differ during weekdays and weekends. One may choose a car accordingly.
Online Browsing
It is never enough to go online and rent a car from the first website displayed by the browser. As an alert customer, you might need to carry out some research on different websites and watch out for lowest car rental offers. At times, there are some spot offers or snap deals made by a few companies on a precondition of immediate payment.
Advance Booking
Just like airlines, which offer cheaper fare for advance or apex bookings, there are car rental companies that offer huge discount if booked well in advance, say about a month or two before your actual departure date. There is however, a restriction of immediate booking with online payment. In case, you need to cancel your bookings, the car rental company is likely to deduct some amount from the fare before it is refunded. Ideally, this method helps you to get a good discount, along with the assurance of a rented car to avoid any last-minute disappointments. As far as car rental companies are concerned, they get rental fare well in advance along with assured customers.
Using Discounts
If you are planning to go on a trip and happen to be a member of AAA or Costco, then do find some time to search for discount offers made towards car rentals to all members. Alternately, check the company websites of all credit cards that you possess. It is well-known that credit card companies have tie-ups with all car rental companies during holidays and peak vacation periods. Even a marginal 10% to 15% discount will decrease your fare considerably.
Smaller Car Rental Chains
It is quite natural that large car rental companies with nationwide popularity will have higher car rentals compared to smaller local companies. All you need to do is consult the airport help desk or staff of the hotel, where you plan to stay, to get names and addresses of such local car rental companies.
Off-Airport Car Rentals
It is commonly noticed that most car rental companies have locations within the airport complexes. These companies quote extremely high rentals as the customers have no option but to rent a car through them. Personally, I suggest you to look out for car rental companies located further down or away from the destination airport. Such off-airport car rental companies offer cars at cheaper rentals. You might travel in a subway or a local bus to reach the rental company for picking up your car. Check out for companies that offer to pick up and drop off the rented car at your hotel.
Loyalty Benefits
At times, car rental companies offer loyalty benefits to their customers. By this, one can expect to rent a car for a cheaper rate if he or she sticks to the same rental company for each vacation or trip.